(Courtesy of Phx.)
Three things that scare me:
1. The fear of anyone close to me dying
2. Heights. I can't even climb a ladder without freezing.
3. Telephone calls between midnight and six am. They almost never bear good news.
Three people that make me laugh:
1. My Husband
2. My Siblings
3. My Friends
(So, I cheated on that one. Sue me.)
Three things I hate:
1. How quickly time passes, and how little I appreciate the moment as I live it.
2. Automatic toilets that flush before I'm done.
3. The fact that I can go out and buy a pair of pants with a ridiculously small number on the tag, and then still come home and find things to pout about in the mirror. Wasn't I supposed to be over that, like, months ago? (Years ago? Forever ago?)
Three things I don’t understand:
1. College football
2. Blind hatred
3. How my son can have a perfect day (potty training wise) and then follow it up with TWO episodes of peeing on the floor - right in front of me. Argh!
Three things I’m doing right now:
1. Playing Scrabulous (so addicted)
2. Rocking side to side (something I've always done, no idea why)
3. Thinking that there are better things to be doing with my time.
Three things I want to do before I die:
1. Be satisfied with something I've written, and hopefully have it be published
2. Travel more
3. Raise happy children to be compassionate, helpful, happy adults.
Three things I can do:
1. Make people laugh
2. Change a poopy diaper in the dark
3. Empty the dishwasher, make dinner & sort laundry - at the same time.
Three ways to describe my personality:
1. Sarcastic
2. Sweet
3. Silly
(I enjoy alliteration)
Three things I can’t do:
1. Work full time
2. Speak fluently in Romanian (anymore)
3. Beat my husband at basketball
Three things I’d like to learn:
1. How to use our fancy-pants new camera
2. How to do anything with my hair
3. How to lose a guy in ten days...Oh wait. I think that was a movie. I was just going with the "How to..." flow
Three favorite foods:
1. Hummus (shocker, I know)
2. Rotisserie Chicken (changing things up a bit)
3. Ice cream (not supposed to have it, thus, I want it. Often)
Three beverages I drink regularly:
1. Waist Watcher's soda (and yes, I know that it's probably altering my DNA and slowly mutating/killing me...)
2. Water
3. That's it, actually. Water and Waist Watcher's Ginger ale. I'm boring.
Three shows I watched as a kid:
1. You Can't Do That on Television (I had a crush on a boy named Alistair, I think)
2. Benson (we used to beg my mom to let us stay up past eight to watch it)
3. Kids Incorporated/Mickey Mouse Club
We were friends in the loud, unbearable way. The way reserved for siblings or those you've allowed to become close as such. Boisterous and obnoxious, silly and endearing. Tears, lice, twenty-seven hour train rides, trans-Atlantic plane rides, professions of love, or not. We were our best and worst with each other, never once fearing that the other would leave.
He was married on Sunday. And it was beautiful.

Labels: Friendship, wedding
But since pictures are easy and at the moment words are elusive, here is another photo post while you wait for me to formulate something coherent.
I post a lot of photos and stories of my children here, some cute, some funny and some that might even be considered embarrassing. Out of fairness, knowing that their embarrassing, humorous experiences have only yet begun, and that I will most likely retell and photograph them, because I know myself and know that I have a hard time not sharing a good story or picture - I've decided to unveil some of my own embarrassing moments, captured so lovingly by my own parents.
In the meantime, I call this brief glimpse into my adolescence, "The Badness That My Parents Allowed to be Captured on Film, Fully Knowing The Embarrassment To Come"

We took our annual apple picking trip today. Amazing how quickly time goes, how only two years ago, The Boss (on the right, in 2005) was the little one fumbling for apples and licking the skins like they were nothing more than glorified teething toys.
New camera is on it's way - ordered as soon as the check arrived in my mailbox.
But I need it, you know, for that cruise I'm taking next month...the one I paid for with the money from the Family Circle prize...
I'm seeing a trend here...writing for money = writing for pleasure.
Actually, there's not much to think about. It's good.

That's money in the bank.
Er...money in the bank then back out again to pay off things, like, my MFA.
Either way, it's good, and I'll take it.

The Boss served bravely as Ring Bearer, though there was no pillow and he walked the aisle holding our hands, so I suppose he could more accurately be called "The Cute Bearer" - a role in which he thrived.
The weekend itself was a stream of commotion and car rides and late nights that turned into early mornings, they type of late where you're buzzing from being with friends whom you rarely see, and it becomes hard to force yourself to do the responsible things. To stop playing games. Stop talking. To simply go to bed, as you should.
But without the anchor of children for two whole nights, responsibility seemed distant and enjoying the company of friends prevailed.
And the company of best friends, most of all.