Thursday, March 29, 2007

Kisses, originally uploaded by Mellahoney.

Caught in the act.

He does love his sister.

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Blogger Owlhaven said...

Ah, sweet!! Today on the beach our two year old went running for her 15 year old big brother. He knelt down and stretched his arms out wide and she ran into them and I melted....


Mary, mom to 8

Blogger Zhoen said...

He's learning to. These things take time, and well they should.


Blogger Susanna Rose said...

Oh so cute...I love it!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How absolutely adorable! Makes your heart melt.

Blogger Barakah said...

This is a great picture Mella.

I don't think I have commented on your blog in over a year, but I did tag you on my blog.

It should make a nice "lazy post" next time you are inclined.

Very cute!

Hoping that you rbrain managed to come to the party, or that you did in fact find the perfect brain somewhere else? :) i somehow don't like the idea of a second hand brain?! Sounds kind of messy, and no doubt full of stuff you don't need.

Prayers flying.

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