Thursday, June 01, 2006
My Daughter

We'll call her Lila

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Blogger Skye said...

Cool!! :) I kinda thought that 157 was probably a girl's heartbeat. When I was pregnant with my daughter, the first heartbeat we heard was 160, and the nurse pulled me aside and said, "The doctor will never say so, but with a heartbeat that fast, it's going to be a girl!" I was thrilled. Apparently, a boy's heartbeat will be 150 or less.

Anyway, congratulations!!

Blogger writingblind said...


Blogger Krista said...

Beautiful Girl, and beautiful name!

Wow, I had no idea about the heartbeat being faster on girls... mine's been ranging from 146-150. I wonder if that means boy. Only 8 more weeks till I find out.

Blogger Kier said...

Lovely Lila! Congratulations! :)

Blogger TrappedInColorado said...

She's beautiful!

Blogger LJ said...

Lila. Nice. Look at that amazing picture. A whole little person in there!
A little Lila.
This is wonderful, Mella!

Blogger Mella said...

Thanks everyone! We were just so relieved to see her healthy and right on target for all her measurements.

There was a hold-your-breath moment at the beginning, before I saw the flicker of her heartbeat, where she was laying eerily still and I had flashbacks of the past.

Turns out she's just incredibly mellow (you know, the opposite of my little boss in every way - he was a real flipper during his ultrasounds)

So, all is well.

Except that we can't quite decide on a middle name yet.

Skye Yeah, my mother and mother-in-law were both very excited each time I reported that the heartbeat was over 140 (I guess the really old wives tale is that a heartbeat over 140=girl and below it = boy. It did turn out true for us...)

Phx I have so much admiration for you - and all people who can wait to find out 'till the end to find out the gender - I'd never make it. Too impatient!

Blogger Teri said...

Hooray!!! What a perfectly clear ultrasound pic! And I love the name too.

I can remember the moment I first saw Tessa at 12 weeks...instant, joyful tears.

I'm so happy for you!

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