Sunday, December 21, 2008
Lulu & Me
After seeing a fellow MFA grad who recently published her first collection of stories through, I have spent the past few hours putting together this.

It's a short collection of my stories, the majority of which have already been published in other markets. I haven't yet seen the copy in hand, and until I'm comfortable with the quality of the production, I won't be advertising anywhere else but here. No mention of this on my "writer" blog or on Facebook, or any other networking sort of site.

Self-publishing wasn't a route I was planning on taking, primarily because I know that anyone can do it. Anyone with a word processor can publish, and therefore, it's quite hard to be taken seriously. Still, cabin fever from all of this snow has begun to set in and the idea of being productive while unable to Christmas shop or gift wrap or accomplish much of anything, made it seem all the more like a good idea.

And, since short story collections by unknown author's can tend to be a pretty tough sell, and since putting this book together cost me nothing (save for some time and frustration with formatting tools and Adobe), I am thinking that if the proof arrives in decent order, I might go ahead and attempt to market myself. Considering that some of my good friends from college had no idea that I was even a writer until after I was nearly done with my MFA and I get hives whenever I think about people I know reading my work...shameless self-promotion is hardly my bag.

I might need some help.



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