Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Easter Whirlwind, I mean, Weekend
Visited two sets of grandparents, had breakfast with old friends (some visiting all the way from CA), played Phase 10 until way past my bedtime (which means I got crabby, and not just because I wound up losing in the end), stuffed plastic eggs with sugar, turned a miniature Red Flyer wagon into an Easter basket and stumbled into an uncomfortable bed at two in the morning only to wake up and search for eggs before seven. Praised God, visited my childhood church with the pastor who still wears the same brightly colored tie on special occasions. Came home to feast with family, watched as sugar-charged boys raced through the living room, only knocking into one another once. Ate too much. Went to work. Picked the kids up from Memere's, where they'd fallen gently to sleep, and dragged them back home with us, where we suffered through a night of baby stirrings followed by a morning of poop-scapades with The Boss. Whew.

In the midst of it, I managed to snap a few pictures.

Ah, Springtime. Hunting for eggs with windchill of 30 degrees.

He may have a touch of OCD...

Wagon 'o fun.

Sitting pretty before church.

And then discovering how tasty ruffles are.

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