Monday, January 02, 2006
We walked for hours. In the night, in the wind. Over damp roads and beneath strings of white lights. Sparkling stars, ten-feet high, dangled over intersections and lit our path as we wandered aimlessly through the city.

We slept until ten. Both days.

We bought fresh bread from a
24 hour bakery in the North End. We ate it in the morning; dipped the doughy center in a sticky sweet jar of jam and dusted the messy sheets with the crumbs.

We strolled through the
Isabella StuartGardner Museum. We ooh'd and ah'ed over Rembrandt's Self Portrait. And we giggled at paintings we shouldn't have giggled at. We could have spent all day lifting the velvet sheaths and pointing at the signatures of Washington and Franklin and Marie Antoinette - hiding in glass cases, smudged with fingertip prints.

But, we had to eat.

And so we ate. We spent money we don't have, on food we normally wouldn't dare, in restaurants we never visit. And it all tasted wonderful.

In an attempt to find the fitness center in our hotel, we got locked in a staircase and felt like a sitcom couple, climbing down twelve flights of stairs - hooking tired hands on locked knobs, hoping that they might budge.

We wasted time, wandering through red-ticket stacks in bookstores. Bought books. Bought games. (All on sale, of course, of course.)

He watched bowl games while I read from my stocking-stuffer novels.

It was entirely wonderful.

Coming home now - the bills are here (and bigger.) The Boss is needy and scared to fall asleep (afraid he'll wake and find us gone - again.) And, we all go back to work in the morning. House hunting. Post-Holiday cleaning. Budget balancing. Boss-entertaining-feeding-changing-hugging-loving.

But still. It's good to be home.

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Blogger Deb said...

You always need a vacation from your vacation.

Very well written--as usual. I love your writing style.

Happy New Year!

Blogger Sarah said...

I stumbled upon this blog and your family are absolutely adorable!

Keep up the wonderful writing.

Blogger Unknown said...

Happy New Year, I don't like bills either.

Blogger Pete Deichmann said...

You have a great ability to capture time. It makes me remember places I've never been! Good stuff.

Thanks for stopping by my site. You gave me the idea to indulge the "Writer" side of me in a little non-fiction, whether that's good or bad, time will tell. ;)

Do you know any other writers out there worth a read?


Blogger Tarun said...

Hi Happy New Year.Good Pics.Nice template too.

Blogger mreddie said...

Good to have you back - it seemed much longer that it was. Fresh bread is great, with butter, honey or jam - or just by itself. My lady and I need something very similar to your getaway.

"But still. It's good to be home." And I totally agree. ec

Blogger david C said...

Doesn't a 12 floor stair walk count as exercise? It does in my books... We are off to Australia hopefully on the weekend, if Doc gives us permission to travel..

Blogger Neo said...

Mella -Gotta love getting locked out eh?

Sounds like you had a great time. Now it's back to the grind. ;)

I played hooky from work today. I'm starting to feel like my time would be better spent writing. I know you know the feeling.


- Neo

Blogger dillyweed said...

I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now and love your writing and thoughts about motherhood (being a new mommy myself!) Thanks. Happy New Year!

Blogger Sinical said...

I just happened across your blog and I have to say it's such a releif to know I'm not the only one with, what I've coined as Writer's Bulemia. It's a delicate condition, really, resulting in the purging of thoughts and ideas about characers that may or may not exist. The most mundane things can trigger a bout of said bulemia and next thing I know I'm scrawling on a near by napkin with eyeliner. I always thought I was just nuts, maybe I am a little.
Sorry if I'm being random!

Blogger Mella said...

~deb~ Isn't that the truth? Maybe I should send The Boss on vacation for a day and just stay home and rest to recover from my 'get away.'

Shush~ Thank you!

Weird~ Thanks again! I really should put some more links up here to well written sites...I'll make that a project.

Mreddie~ You know, it actually felt like I was away a lot longer than it really was was wonderful!

David~ Oh! I hope you get the doctor's ok and have a wonderful time! Will this be the last 'get away' before the baby?

Neo~ Sometimes I miss having a job that I could play hooky from...wait...does going away for a few nights without The Boss count as hooky?

Drenan ~ Why, thank you for reading! How new are you to this whole motherhood game? It's a great source of inspiration, isn't it?

Anthony & Tarun ~ Thank you

Sinical ~ So good to know that we're not alone in our insanity, isn't it? Napkin's and eyeliner...excellent idea in a pinch.

Blogger Neo said...

Mella -Ha! Kind of. As long as you enjoyed yourself, that's all that matters. :)

Blogger szerin said...

Hello Mella!.. 12 flights of stairs!! Sounds like one of the scenes in a movie, to be more specific-Meteor Garden, doubt you guys have watch it anyway coz it's a Chinese Movie.. :-p How did u guys eventually get out from there??

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