Saturday, September 10, 2005
Old Fashioned

To combat my frustrating writers block I did something different. Unusual. Some might even call it Old Fashioned. I turned off my computer and walked away. Away from that cold computer screen and its blinking curser's relentless taunting: Type! Write! Produce!

In June, AJ Verdelle told my class to know our triggers, and use them. So I did. I bought a little sage colored spiral bound notebook and pulled up a table at my favorite little (non name brand) cafe.

It's not the tall paper cup of rich coffee that inspires me though, it's the atmosphere. The dimly lit room, the small clusters of tables and couches, the smell of amaretto and coffee and sweet pastries. The hum of the background music, the chatter of customers huddled together on couches or squinting at the menu while waiting in line. The clicking and dinging of the cash register. Every bit of it inspires me. Nothing else gets my writers nerves tingling like that cafe. Sitting at a table alone, there's barely big enough for my pad and elbows and cup. For some, it might seem claustrophoic. But with a pen in hand and an open notebook of blank possibilities - I am limitless.

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